
Genome Variant Analysis


java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T CombineVariants -R reference.fasta --variant:foo input1.vcf --variant:bar input2.vcf -o output.vcf -genotypeMergeOptions PRIORITIZE -priority foo,bar


Argument name(s)Default valueSummary
Required Inputs
NAVCF files to merge together
Optional Outputs
stdoutFile to which variants should be written
Optional Parameters
KEEP_IF_ANY_UNFILTEREDDetermines how we should handle records seen at the same site in the VCF, but with different FILTER fields
NADetermines how we should merge genotype records for samples shared across the ROD files
1Minimum number of input files the site must be observed in to be included
NAOrdered list specifying priority for merging
setKey name for the set attribute
Optional Flags
falseAssume input VCFs have identical sample sets and disjoint calls
falseExclude sites where no variation is present after merging
falseTreat filtered variants as uncalled
falseUse the INFO content of the record with the highest AC
falseEmit a sites-only file
falseEmit interesting sites requiring complex compatibility merging to file
falseDo not output the command line to the header

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