
Sam/Bam Manipulation

Usage -i Pairend_nonStrandSpecific_36mer_Human_hg19.bam -o output


--version show program’s version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
  Alignment file in BAM or SAM format. [required]
  Prefix of output files(s). [required]
  To avoid making huge vector in R, nucleotide with particular phred score less frequent than this number will be ignored. Increase this number save more memory while reduce precision. Set to 1 achieve maximum precision (i.e. every nucleotide will be considered). This option only applies to the ‘boxplot’. default=1000
-q MAP_QUAL, --mapq=MAP_QUAL
  Minimum mapping quality (phred scaled) for an alignment to be called “uniquely mapped”. default=30

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