
Genomic Interval Manipulation


bedRemoveOverlap in.bed out.bed


This tool is part of UCSC Genome Browser's utilities.

For overlapping regions, this tool only keep the longest records and discards all other records. You may find tools like bedtools and bedops useful for similar purposes.

Positional arguments

  • in.bed: Input bed file. Records must be sorted.
  • out.bed: Results will be written into this file


Assume you have a bed file (test.bed, corresponds to the argument in.bed) which stores three overlapping records:

$ head test.bed
chr1 100 200 big
chr1 108 110 small
chr1 110 220 bigger

Runing bedRemoveOverlap and write the output to a file called test.out.bed (corresponds to the argument out.bed), here is what you will get:

$ bedRemoveOverlap test.bed test.out.bed

$ head test.out.bed
chr1 110 220 bigger

File formats this tool works with

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